Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Spring Fever

Although it is February 7, I have what can only be construed as a major case of Spring Fever. It is 70 degrees outside, sunshiney, and altogether a gorgeous day.
I cannot concentrate.  I cannot sit still. 
Pretty much what I have been doing all day consists of this:
Do some stuff for about 20 minutes, then discover that I'm sitting, staring out the window and twirling my hair around my finger.  Twirling my hair around my finger!  As though I were some silly schoolgirl!
(There are those who may argue that I am still a silly schoolgirl, but I choose to ignore them.)
Do some more stuff for about 20 minutes, then discover that I'm just sitting, staring out the window and twirling my hair around my finger... (etc, etc, etc.)
Joey is mean and told me that he and Henry were outside playing frisbee with JP.  I am now insanely jealous because I want to be playing frisbee too.
But, as that's not likely to happen, I must be content sitting, staring out the window and twirling my hair around my finger. 
Perhaps the sun will go down later than normal today so I can get a throw or two in before it gets too dark.  I pretty much LOVE TEXAS WEATHER!!!


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