Friday, March 16, 2007

Concern: Joey Becomes More Like My Pops

I was determined to wear my I Love Panda bracelet today. I wore my outfit that sort of matched it, got ready in record time, and had Joey tie my bracelet on my wrist.

He did a very nice job of it, I might add.

"Go get the camera so we can take a picture of the bracelet and then put it on my blog. I want everyone to see the sweet bracelet that The Kid got me!" I said.

"OK." Joey started looking for the camera.

We were uploading pictures of Henry's pathetic haircut last night, so the camera was on Joey's dresser in our room. He'd taken it to put it away when we got up in the morning.

Joey came and found me finishing up my makeup. "I can't find it."

Mind you, he'd been up for about a half hour.

"How'd you lose it already?!" I wailed, thinking this did not bode well for us. (My Pops loses cameras like it's his second job. But we still love him a lot and don't really blame him for any of the losses, it's goblins that steal them.)

"I don't know but I can't find it." He was sort of wilty.

"How can I put pictures of the bracelet on my blog if we can't find the camera?" I whined, naughtily.

"Well, you'll just have to get over it," Joey said bravely, "Because we can't find the camera."

YOU can't find the camera, I thought about adding, but wisely held my tongue.

And so it's 10:34 p.m. and we still can't find the camera. Honestly, our apartment's not that big. I don't know where the stupid thing could have gone to. I suppose you'll never get to see the I Love Panda bracelet if we can't find our camera.

Oh--good news; Pops has a new camera! Sister found it for him and thus far it has not been lost. So things are looking up on his end. It made it all the way to Texas and back without Incident which causes all of the children to breathe great sides of relief.

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