Monday, March 26, 2007

The Drug Pusher

I'll put up some pictures from our weekend later, not tonight; Joey's barely letting me have Lappy long enough to blog because of all his homework.

SUCH a good conference, though! Friday night was great, it started about 7:00. There were 3,800 people at the Gaylord Texan, a really gorgeous retreat center in Grapevine. (Most of the pictures we took are from inside the enormous atrium.)

There were 6 screens hanging from the ceiling that project an image of the speaker, so it was easy to see wherever you sat, which was nice. (I always have trouble seeing over the lady with big hair the inevitably sits in front of me.)

The chairs were, at best, uncomfortable. At worst, they were making our bums fall asleep. So,we decided to sit on the floor when we came back on Saturday. We picked a nice spot along the wall and spread out our stuff.

A couple about my parents' age came in 10 minutes late, made us scoot over and took some of our real estate. This did not make me too upset because I don't mind sitting close to Joey.

The lady was kind of strange. She had a teal capri pant sweat suit with gold studs creating designs all over the knees. (Obviously not something she'd want to garden in.) She also had a very large, metallic gold purse.

Thirty minutes into the session, she began digging around in the large gold purse. Because I have a nosy, inquisitive nature, my attention was drawn to the contents of her bag.

I noticed a large box of Marlboro, which I will not comment on at this time, and a large, plump item that looked a lot like a pen. A very fat pen, but a pen nonetheless. (It even had that clippy thing so you could put it in your shirt pocked like my Pops does.)

It was Mother-of-Pearl and gold, so pretty swanky. (When I'm nosy, I'm really nosy.)

She took the cap off and I noticed that the pen was starting to look less and less like a pen. The nub of the pen looked rather....needleish. She held the "needle" part up in the air and flicked the side of the pen a few times.


She pushed the clicker part on the back of the pen (which I was rapidly discovering was NOT a pen) and pushed out some air bubbles.

The contents of the "pen" were purple.


Who has purple drugs? (But seriously, who has a Mother-of-Pearl and gold "pen" syringe, either?)

My eyes got real big as she turned away from me, lifted up the bottom of her shirt, and stabbed herself in the side with the syringe.

In the middle of the FamilyLife Weekend To Remember session. While sitting on the floor.

Somehow, Joey did not notice any of this. I was relating the story to him while we were walking around the atrium later, and he just missed the entire episode.

Our hypotheses:
1. She has chronic pain (although why she'd sit on the floor I have no idea) and required intravenous pain medication
2. She's diabetic and doesn't want people to notice her syringe
3. She's a druggie

I vote for hypothesis 2.

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