Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Heavy Metal Poisoning

Because I do what I do during the day, my wardrobe requires a lot of high heels.
Last night I got a steal of a deal; a pair of $60 comfortable stilettos for only $10!!  And they're bronze.  Trés, tr és, chic.
They were pretty much the kind of shoes I swore I'd never wear before I moved to Texas.  Kind of 80's...very trendy...not so much "me".  But the price was right, and now I really like them. 
The only problem is that I keep slipping on the marble floors.  I've just about turned my ankle three times today, usually when I'm carrying large objects or awkward stacks of paper.
The ungraceful slip and subsequent "whoops!" kind of take the chic factor away.
I am concerned that I'm getting some kind of heavy metal poisoning from wearing bronze shoes on my feet.  I've been acting lethargic and clumsy all day long.
I'll just blame it on my shoes to be safe.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was going to be about some type music that I like and that you don't. I guess it was wrong.

    I hope you don't die. I read a random fact today saying that... dang, what was it now. Something was poisenous. I don't remember what it was. But it was retarted. It was something like chocolate that you consume mass quantities of every day and I was like, "Yah... how come everybody in the world isn't dead then?!"
