Saturday, March 10, 2007

I Have A Stomachache

At 3:30 a.m. I awoke feeling strangely.

As I lay there in my semi awake state I decided that this could be from two things:
a.) I was sleeping on a small futon with Joey and I was about to fall off the side
b.) My stomach hurt

I determined that it was both. My left arm was starting to fall asleep because I couldn't keep it on the futon. We'd picked Mom, Dad and The Kid up from the airport at 8:30 (DAD AND THE KID CAME IN 2 1/2 HOURS EARLY!!! HOORAY!) and then went to Arby's for dinner.

I split a BLT with Pops and then we went to the A&W next door to get floats.

This wasn't my best idea of the night. The float was super great, but I was lactose intolerant as a kid and every so often (like when I have dairy real late at night) it still bothers my stomach.

Seemed to me that this was probly the case.

I lay there and slept off and on until 6:45 when I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and made The Kid wake up too. We went to Tom Thumb and got cherries (for the building of the pie), milk (because the stuff I'd given him with his cereal was, um, spoiled), and a Mt. Dew for Joey.

ALL DAY LONG my stomach has hurt. I ate Tums with lunch, drank loads of water, and felt altogether melancholy all day long.

Pops decided that I needed to take some Glaviscon. I didn't know what this was but he explained it to me as "something sort of like what I give my calves when their tummies hurt". I wasn't sure I wanted to take cow medicine, but I told him as long as he bought it at a pharmacy and not at a feed store, I was game.

He branged it home and told me to take some.

I did. It tasted like vanilla frosting, which I found to be quite acceptable.

That was about 30 minutes ago. This Glaviscon bit is working quite well. My stomach ache is lessening and I'm beginning to feel more annoying and pert.

I have to go bother some people now.

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