Monday, March 05, 2007

The Kid Is Spoiled

Due to The Kid's Impending Arrival (oh, and my parents are coming too), I went grocery shopping. I also needed to go grocery shopping because we were out of things like butter, mozzarella cheese and spaghetti sauce.

I called The Kid and said, "What kind of food do you want to eat when you're at my house?"

He gave me a list of pretty much junk food. It included hot dogs, Lucky Charms, and Pop Tarts.

I called my mom and asked, "Do you want me to get anything special from the grocery store?"

She asked for yogurt.

Joey and I headed to the grocery store after finishing our painting project for the evening. The list was full of strange and foreign things, but we determined to succeed.

(But first I did get distracted by the Starbucks clearance display--they had their Valentine's Day tumbler for $5 and it was SO cute and romantic that Joey said I could get it.)

When I grocery shop I try to stay out of the Middle. The Middle is where bad things happen. (Read: the food that makes my jeans too tight.) Joey and I had almost completed our list on the outer sections of Tom Thumb (yes, that's what our grocery store is called here; totally lame, I know) when he asked, "Are we done?"

"No," I replied, "We have to go in the Middle."

Joey feigned horror and we set out to find the Lucky Charms. Once located, we tried to find the Pop Tarts. We had more trouble with this than the average grocery shopper, but we finally prevailed. Joey finagled an extra large box of Brown Sugar Cinnamon just for himself out of me (I know, I'm such a softie) and we set out for the checkout lanes.

After unloading a cart full of foreign items (yogurt?! hot dogs?! Pop Tarts?!? Lucky Charms?!) we sat back to watch the dollar signs grow. Feeling rather conspicuous that we were actually spending more than $50, I felt compelled to say to the woman, "My little brother's coming. We have to buy him lots of snacks."

She looked at me rather indulgently. " old is he?"

I looked sideways and said quickly, "Um, like, eighteen."

She gave me a strange look and continued ringing up our groceries. Once we got the Tom Thumb discount, we walked out the store spending just a hair over $50 (including my Starbucks mug, so we didn't do too bad).

I think that lady thinks I'm nuts. (And that The Kid is probably real spoiled. Which he probably is.)

1 comment:

  1. oh MAN!! That's the best story ever! Wish i coulda been there...
