Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nice Teeth

I get the urge to brush my teeth every day around 2:00.

This used to cause problems back in Iowa when I forgot to pack a toothbrush when I went, um, to work. I have since remedied this problem by placing an extra toothbrush and spare toothpaste Where I Need Them Most. (ahem.)

Two days ago, I was faithfully brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I always get paranoid that someone will come in while I'm spitting or something, so I try to be really sneaky when I'm doing it.

Brush, brush, brush. Spit.

Aaaaannnnnd, someone walks in the door. Timing is everything.

"Brushing your teeth?"

I bit my tongue and didn't say "OBVIOUSLY", I just smiled around my toothbrush and nodded.

"It's probably why you have such nice teeth," she said.

"Thank you?" I replied.

As soon as she was gone, I began inspecting my teeth. I suppose, for teeth, they're not bad. Fairly white, straight, not know, the usual.

I wanted to leave the bathroom and yell, "Hey, everybody, listen up! I may dress funny like a Midwesterner, but at least I HAVE GOOD TEETH!"

However, I didn't.

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