Friday, March 23, 2007

Serious Bird-Feederage

The neighbors are kind of eco and animal friendly. While this is not entirely bad, I am slightly concerned about the THREE bird feeders we now have on our stairways. (This does not count the bird feeders that are located on their personal balcony.)

The bird feeders began appearing this weekend.

First it was just the pathetic "tree" with no sign of leaves or buds that appeared in the corner by their door. I thought this was sadly amusing and decided to watch it carefully to see if it ever budded.

My hopes aren't real high.

Then, the next day, St. Birdfeeder appeared next to the dead tree.

"Hey, Joey, there's an old-timey guy statue outside, and he's holding birdseed. That's kind of cute." I said.

"Oh, that's St. Somebodyorother," Joey replied. "Patron saint of animals." (Joey now reminds me that it's St. Francis of Assisi but, then, I was never Catholic so I know nothing about these things. Including how to properly spell their names.)

Now you have seen Pathetic Tree and St. Birdfeeder.

This was all well and good until another bird feeder arrived the next day. (They were seriously multiplying! I am rather concerned.)

This one's right next to their door.
"We're going to get mobbed by crows," I muttered as I took Henry outside the day after it appeared. It was then that I noticed the THIRD bird feeder hanging from the railing.

"HOLY BIRD FEEDERS!" I thought. I was growing concerned that I needed an umbrella in case all the birds decided to relieve themselves on me. (That happened when I went to Iowa State, the crows would poo as you walked on the paths under the trees. Sounded like really disgusting rain and it always made me really nervous.)

Thus far, the bird feeder count outside our door is holding steady at 3. We are going away this weekend and if there are any more bird feeders when I come back, I'm probably going to buy a scarecrow.

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