Sunday, April 15, 2007

Little Miss Trouble

We were in Dillards yesterday when Joey got a really odd look on his face.

"Jenna, come here." He said. He dragged me over to a rack of T-shirts and pointed to one that read "Little Miss Chatterbox". (You know, from those kids books we used to read when we were little?)

"WOAH! AWESOME!" I shrieked. "I loved those books!"

"They don't have it in your size, they only have a Large," Joey said, ruefully.

"Hey, they have tons! Look, Little Miss Trouble!" I pointed to the rest of the rack. They also had Little Miss Sunshine and a few others, I forget exactly which ones.

"Hmm. Little Miss Trouble. I'm getting it for you, you're tons of Trouble." Joey began digging through the stack. "Do you want Small or Medium?"

He marched up to the register with me trailing behind saying things like, "NO! It's $24, that's too expensive! We can't spend so much money on something I can't wear to work..."

Ultimately, I was outvoted. Joey said, "Let me buy you things like this once in awhile!" And the matter was settled.

I wore my Little Miss Trouble shirt to church this morning and was quite pleased with it. It did turn out to be a bad idea as we were introduced as new members and there I was wearing a shirt that proclaimed I was Trouble.

Oh well, what's done is done, eh?

I'm Trouble and I have a t-shirt to prove it!


  1. Jenna the irony is just too funny! I literally busted out laughing out loud. Of course Ashley asked what it was and I quickly responded, "Jenna's blog"
