Thursday, April 12, 2007


Oddly enough, last night before I fell asleep all I could think about was V8 juice and how I wanted to try some.

Then this morning I heard 3 commercials for V8, sparking my desire to try some again. I'm not really sure why (V8 is the most disgusting juice concept out there I think), but it seems like my subconsious is trying to tell me something.

I'm going to go get some right now and try it. Hold on.




OK, I just made the mistake of reading the label. It contains: tomato juice, carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach.

What is watercress??!

I suppose I'd better suck it up and try it, though. I totally don't want to do this anymore.

Hmm. It's like drinking cold, salty tomato soup. I cannot finish the can. I'm probably going to have to go throw it out, too, because having it sit on my desk is creeping me out.

I suppose all this proves is that I'm not yet mature since I don't like V8. (But then, we all knew I wasn't mature so I guess I didn't need to prove anything after all.)


  1. Forget V8 - It's not the sign of maturity. Coffee is. You do like good coffee don't you?

  2. V8 does sound disgusting! And I am with greg on this one coffer is the test of maturity.
