Thursday, May 24, 2007

And It Rained Cats And Henrys

It's raining so hard right now that I can barely see the skyscraper across the way. A minute ago, I couldn't see it at all. The sky had this strange sea-green opaqueness to it and, had I been in Iowa, I'd have run for the basement immediately.

However, I'm not in Iowa. I'm in a high rise in Dallas. And the ceiling is creaking.

Considering the amount of water that's rushing down the windows, the ginormous lightning and booming thunder, it's going to be a Long Drive Home.

We're having issues with flash flooding, too, so I'm not sure if it's smarter to take the freeway or to take the back roads where there are less idiots but more low spots. Oy. And if you look at the RADAR, the storm's about the size of Iowa; we're going to be having rain for awhile.

It better stop before we leave tomorrow. I need the boys to drive super fast so we get home sooner.

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