Thursday, May 31, 2007


It's 11:13 p.m. on Thursday and I'm sitting at Joey's parents house using their computer to check emails and whatnot. We just spent all day in Ankeny with friends and are really tired. I was just about ready to close up shop and go to bed (broken toe and all) when I heard a strange, strange sound coming from the bathroom.

Sounded like splashing. Loud splashing.

Joey's parents have this ginormous Border Collie (well, I think she's ginormous; but then I'm short) with a really long nose. As I was hearing this splashing sound I was thinking, "Now, what could that be? Everyone's either asleep or downstairs..."

And then I realized what it was. It was the dog drinking out of the toilet.

The very same dog that sticks her nose in my lap and tries to get me to pet her. Who attempts to lick me (but is usually thwarted because I thump her with a pillow). Who sticks my dog's head in her mouth when they're playing.


And just then, the splashing sound stopped and Midnight (aforementioned long-snouted Border Collie) came prancing out of the bathroom, licking her chops.


I'm so glad Henry can't even come close to drinking out of the toilet. If he did...well, I don't know what I'd do, but I'd do something.


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