Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'm Guess I'm Obviously Married

I was on the phone with a guy from the east coast this morning. It was an interesting conversation. First he said I was very "soft spoken" and that he wasn't used to that out on the east coast. (That's fine with me---you won't catch me talking loudly and saying nasal rounded vowels just to fit in.)

Then, when I was trying to spell my name for him so he could update his records, he really put his foot in his mouth.

"J-e-n-n-a," I spelled for him, "W-o-e-s-t-m-a-n."

"Eh? What was that? A 'P'?" He asked, loudly.

"No, it's a 't'. W-o-e-s-t-m-a-n. Woestman." I spelled then pronounced for him.

"Wow....Woostman. That's a last name for ya." He said. (He mispronounced it regardless of the fact that I had correctly pronounced it several times in the last three minutes we'd been on the phone.)

I coughed, unsure of what exactly to say to that.

"You must be married." He charged on.

I thought, and if I wasn't?

"No parents in their right mind would name their baby daughter Jenna Woostman."

"Yes...I am married..." I said, slowly.

"That's what I thought. Now, don't get me wrong, I have a funny last name too. But there's lots of Italians in The City and so they don't make fun of me."

I considered saying, "Well, nobody in Texas makes fun of me either. And they're not even German," but I held my tongue.

Me and my funny name decided it was time to end this conversation, so I laughed a couple of times, told him "thank you very much" and hung up. I stared at my telephone receiver and shook my head.

One of the stranger phone calls I've had in a long time.

For the record:
1. Yes, I'm married (2 years on the 14th!)
2. No, it's not pronounced Woostman. It's Woestman as in Whee!-stman.


  1. You should have namae like Laird. Now that is a hard name to deal with on the phone. I know. I am one.

  2. That's pretty kick-awesome Sister. I can't believe any one would actually be that rude to SAY such things!
