Wednesday, May 23, 2007

In Which Henry Barfs All Over The Floor And Then The Sink

I generally try to keep my posts tactful. By tactful, of course, I mean that I try not to talk about bodily functions, etc. However, I must make an exception.


We have visitors from Iowa this week. Henry ADORES them because they will play fetch with him. All night long. (Which we put the kibosh on last night, he was getting really annoying so Amber hid all of his toys in the closet. Smart girl.)

He was too excited about "his" visitors, so he didn't eat all his dinner. In fact, he ate only half of it. He hadn't been, um, regular since Joel and Amber arrived, either. Mostly because we'd take him outside and he'd pretend to do his business (we were totally on to him) and then he'd run up the stairs to go back inside and harass them again.

So we knew something was up.

Well, I was in the middle of making sandwiches for everyone's lunch when I saw Henry sitting by the kitchen door looking pathetic and cute all at the same time. Then he began to sniff the floor and make strange coughing sounds.

"Is Henry barfing?" I asked.

Joey shot off the couch, grabbed the dog and dashed over to the kitchen sink.

Yes, he was barfing.

In my kitchen sink. Where I wash my vegetables.

"Why are you holding him over the sink? He already barfed?" I asked.

"No, he's doing more," Joey said, wiping Henry off with a paper towel.

He was right; Henry did more. I emptied his half-eaten food bowl and mixed up some Pedialyte for him to drink.

Joey set Henry down and said, "I'll clean up the stuff on the floor."

I was was really grossing me out.

Henry wandered back over to his now-empty food bowl and tried to eat what wasn't there. I sat him down on the floor and squirted Pedialyte down his throat, which made him quite miserable.

And then he lay around calmly for the rest of the evening. So we may try to have him barf more often if he'll be calm and civilized afterwards.

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