Friday, June 29, 2007


So it's 11:00 p.m. on Friday and I'm at the Apple store. The iPhone was released today and Joey was so excited. So.

He called me at work at least twice with iPhone rumor updates (yay) and subtly hinted that he'd really like to be at NorthPark when they released the iPhone at 6:00p.m. tonight.

So we went.

I got home from work, changed my clothes, grabbed a sandwich and went to the mall to stand on the 2nd floor above the Apple store and watch the Police officers keep the 500 people in line from storming the doors of the store befeore 6:00. It was pretty crazy.

And now that it's 11:00 p.m. Joey thought he'd have a chance at getting his hands on an iPhone, so here we are at the Knox-Henderson store. I'm falling asleep as I type this.

He's not buying an iPhone, he just wishes he was. Poor Joey.


  1. Is it bad that I didn't even realize today was the big day? I am technically-challenged after all. Jenna, I now have a blog. You're an inspiration!

  2. one of the kids in our youth group bought the iphone. he didn't even know why. he just was going to spend $600 and get it because it had a touch screen.

  3. Poor Joey, Wants a camera and an iPhone! If it makes you feel better, I bought Dad a Palm Pilot for our anniversery but he is still waiting for permission from his company to use it. So it is still in the box. I thought it was a pretty cool one too! And I even did research first!
    Mom W.
