Saturday, June 02, 2007

Update on the toe...

So, unfortunately, my toe may not be broken after all. I mean, it hurts like a banshee's hard to tell.

We went to a few stores today and I tried a tennis shoe for the first time since Tuesday. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. I couldn't really walk at all, so I got to ride around in one of those motorized carts.

In three separate stores!

It was seriously cool. (Target has the best one because it stops the most smoothly.) toe is starting to feel better. I can walk without limping too badly (unless I have a closed shoe on) and the pain is starting to decrease. What concerns me is the fact that the entire area surrounding my toenail is turning black.


The toenail has been purple since Tuesday, but this blackness I just noticed today. I'm concerned that my toe is going to fall off or something. The Brothers In Law tell me it looks like gangrene and that I'm probably going to lose my entire foot.

I choose to ignore them.

But if my toenail does fall off and the end of my toe remains black and dead-looking, I may freak out the people I work with.

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