Wednesday, July 04, 2007

All His Worldly Goods

My dearest love and I just finished watching Shadowlands. (It's that movie about CS Lewis and his wife.) I really enjoyed it, but now I'm super tired.

As a bit of back story, when Joey and I got married part of his vows were, "and with all my worldly goods I thee endow", and it's really rankled him ever since that I didn't have to endow upon him all of my earthly goods.

(When I'm feeling particularly fiesty I run around the house and point at things like his laptop, the iPods, his car and say "and that's mine, and that's mine, and that's mine...")

I'd never have noticed that I got the better end of the materialistic deal, so to speak, if he had never pointed it out, but it sure is comedically convenient that he did.

So here we are, watching Shadowlands. CS Lewis is marrying Joy in the hospital and in a very romantic, heart-rendering scene he utters, "and with all my wordly goods I thee endow..."

Joey screamed, "OH!! That makes it all OK, right there. CS Lewis had to endow all his wordly goods to his wife, too, so I feel much better now. I was just quoting CS Lewis."

"Right, right." I said. I almost added, "We're watching this movie on my laptop", but I held my tongue.

I probably missed the entire point of the vow, but Joey still loves me.

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