Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Big Announcement

No, I'm not pregnant.

Well, I finally did it.  After two months of going back and forth between "I should" and "I shouldn't", I just walked down to the post room and mailed off manuscripts to three magazines. (And now I'm ridiculously nervous; I have this terrible feeling that I left out something really important from my cover letter, or that I put lame posts in my portfolio.)

Anyway, thanks to my many friends who, all at the same time (oddly enough), suggested I try this.

I figure the worst they can say is "no" and not publish me, which really doesn't leave me any worse off than where I am now.  (Which is that I'm not being published.)

Should something actually come of this bold venture on my part, I shall inform you all.  But, as that's not likely to happen, content yourself with the knowledge that I tried.

I am.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord! This is so COOL Jenna! ALMOST as big as being pregnant although not as big as the brown tee-shirt! LOL! Keep me posted and I will be praying for the Lord's will to be done in this matter! It takaes a lot of courage to submit something! Way to go! Let me know ow it goes! I love your writing so I hope it goes you get a 'YES!'!
    Keep it up!
