Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Coffee

I have really disturbing breath today and it's making me crazy.  So I figured that today was as good a day as any to get some coffee (decaf, of course, no hyperventilating Jenna today...). 

I washed out my pretty pink mug with the tulip on it (Joey got it for me!) and headed to the Flavia machine.

(Now, Greg, I realize that Flavia coffee is probably not even coffee in your opinion, but it's the best I can do under the circumstances.)

Joey despises the scent of coffee in all of its forms, and it was only recently that I could talk him into Starbucks to get hot chocolate (for him) and some sort of coffee for me.  (However the "ewww, your breath is super gross" for the next hour is not worth the enjoyment of the coffee, so I stopped drinking coffee pretty much altogether and now I just get tea whenever we go to any soft of coffee shop.)

So, since I won't see Joey for another seven hours (woe is me!), I made myself a weakling Breakfast Blend with some hot chocolate mixed in for good measure.  So now my problem is twofold:
1.)  I have bad coffee breath on top of whatever was wrong with it before
2.)  I'm really hungry

1 comment:

  1. Tell Joey that someday - when he becomes a grownup he will appreciate the finer things of life - like good coffee. Man cannot live on Mountain Dew alone.
