Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Mysterious Blue Earmuffs

Last night I was organizing my closet.  (Because I wanted to.)  I was looking for a place to put one of my silk plants when I noticed a blue fuzzy object sitting way up high on my Willow Tree Nativity boxes.

It was an old, nappy pair of cobalt blue furry earmuffs.  You know, the kind you had in third grade when they used to make you stand outside at recess because it was too cold to play but not cold enough that they'd let you back inside?  Yeah, that kind.

(Except mine were probably pink.)

At any rate, I haven't had, or seen, any earmuffs like that in ages.  Certainly not since we've lived in Texas.  They were kind of creeping me out.

"Joey, did you put some furry blue earmuffs in the closet?"

"Eh?"  He asked from the living room.

"Come here for a second," I asked, standing with one hand on my hip and the silk plant in the other, staring up at the earmuffs. (Which were up too high for me to reach, I might add.)

"Up there."  I pointed.

"Oh, no, I don't know what those are," he said, and went back to the living room.

The annoying, creepy earmuffs were still up in the closet.  I set the plant down and jumped as high as I could, barely catching the edge of the earmuff on the end of my finger and swiping them off the box they were perched on.

"Eww."  I said, examining them.  They were truly well worn, and disgusting.

I took them out to Joey and dangled them in front of his face.  "How do you think these got on top of the box in our closet?

"I have no idea."  He said.

"Who has been here recently that would have put them there.  Jamie?  Charpie?"  I began listing names.  He was reading a book and therefore not really paying much attention to me.

I took the earmuffs over to the trash and threw them away.

So, the question is, HOW DID THEY GET IN MY CLOSET?!  Did someone put them there to creep me out?  If so, please step forward and identify yourself.

Or do I just have earmuff amnesia?  Perhaps I've had those my entire life and moved them to Texas because they were sentimental...

If that's the case, they're in the trash now.

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