Friday, July 27, 2007

The "Pastor's Wife" Problem

Sometimes I wonder if they ever flunk guys in seminary because their wives will make lousy pastors wives.  This is a Major Concern for me because in just three short years I too will be a pastors wife.  Yie.  They do not seem to have a class at DTS for spiffying up your wife, but I have a sneaking suspicion that's what Spiritual Formation really is.  (You know, like if your wife skips a lot then they'll give you an F- and kick you out o' seminary.)

My several items on my laundry list of concerns are:
  • I am really short and usually wind up looking like one of the junior highers.
  • I make Joey late for church.  A lot.
  • I have this automatic shutdown that occurs pretty much at 9:45 p.m. (thanks a lot, Pops, I inherited it from you), so Joey has to watch me really carefully so he can get me home the minute I start looking comatose.
  • I get grouchy.  In public even!
  • I cannot play the piano.  (This one may actually be the deal breaker for some churches, too.)
  • I have Advance Notice Disorder, a common Laird condition, which makes it very difficult, may I even say hazardous, for me to change plans at the last minute.  It also makes me neurotic about having things nailed down two months prior to an event.
Poor Joey.  Let's just hope I don't get him kicked out of seminary.


  1. Except for the first two (being short and being late) you have just described me!! And I haven't gotten my dh fired--yet!! I think you will make an awesome pastor's wife.

  2. I sooo have you beat there, Jenna! Maybe I'm not short, but I am: often grumpy, sarcastic, not always feeling spiritual, unable to play ANY musical instrument OR SING, and on and on...
    I am however blessedly forgiven and living fully within the grace given to me by Another who we all have to depend on daily...
    even and especially pastor's wives. And honestly, that's the best message we can share! You will be your authentic self, and that is who they need to see - and they'll be blessed.

  3. Sister--I, too, have felt mutual feelings about my Advance Notice Disorder and Early Shut Down! Joey is thinking Youth Pastor, right? I don't think we'll be such bad pastor's wives if we are associate or sr. pastor's wives. staying up late isn't so much a requirement there...i don't think
