Thursday, July 05, 2007


At 10:30 last night I was almost asleep when Joey suddenly blurted out, "I wonder why 'impunity' is spelled with a g.  It doesn't need a g."

"It's not."  I mumbled.

"It is."  Joey said, firmly.

Now, I hate to prove Joey wrong (sure...) but this time I simply could not resist.  There is absolutely no g in impunity, and there never has been.  Ever.

"Where's the dictionary..." I asked, sleepily.

"On the shelf.  Don't go get it."  I think he was beginning to wonder if there really was a g in impunity, and didn't want me to show him that there wasn't.

"No, no, I will.  I have to show you you're wrong."  So I got out of bed, walked over to the bookshelf, couldn't find the dictionary and so settled for the laptop, which has a dictionary in it.

I brought it back into our room and handed it to Joey who opened it up and furtively typed i-m-p-u-g-n-i-t-y.  To no one's surprise (except maybe Joey's, but Henry and I were not surprised), nothing came up.

"WHAT?"  Joey wailed in a manly sort of way.

"Told you."  I said, smugly.  Henry sniffed my chin in agreement.

Joey typed in i-m-p-u-n-i-t-y and, sure enough, pulled up an entry.   "I know I saw it spelled with a g somewhere..." Joey muttered as he closed the laptop in defeat.

I, however, am not sure where he could have ever seen it spelled that way.  I just searched a dictionary for words spelled similarly to "impugnity" and, can you believe it?, I didn't come up with a thing.

An even more burning question is why on earth Joey was thinking about the word impunity at 10:30 at night.

1. exemption from punishment.
2. immunity from detrimental effects, as of an action.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to say that if Kim woke me up asking questions of this nature she would receive IMPUGNITY but NOT IMPUNITY! LOL!
    We guys come up with the strangest thoughts sometimes!
