Saturday, August 04, 2007

I'm Too Much Like My Mom

Poor mom. She's so cute, but we all know she's a compulsive putter-awayer. For instance:

Sister and I will be making chocolate chip cookie goodness, and Mom will come into the kitchen to talk to us. Without thinking about what she's doing, she'll start putting away the ingredients we're using, bowls we need, etc. It's very cute and frustrating.

Once we realize what she's been up to, we make her sit down and stay put while we get everything back out.

When we were kids we weren't allowed to make any cookies (or anything, really) if we didn't leave the kitchen cleaner than when we found it. Mom definitely never used to put our stuff away while we were baking, so I'm not sure why she does now.

She also tends to pick up things like shoes, coats and mittens when we visit and put them in strange, foreign places. Poor Mom.

This brings me to this evening. I was straightening up the bathroom when I saw Joey's deodorant sitting on the counter. It appeared to be empty, so I shook it around (it felt empty) and threw it away. I then took out the trash.

Just now, I asked Joey, "Are you out of deodorant?"

"No, why?" He replied.


"What did you do?" He bellowed, trying to look intimidating. I closed my eyes so that his tactics would be foiled.


"Ack!" He screamed, and marched off to the bathroom to investivage. After several moments of manly banging around, he emerged grim-faced.

"You did throw my deodorant away. It's not there. And it's not in the trash, either, so this means you're going to have to dig through the garbage to find it."

I put on my best disinterested face (to rile him up worse) and said, "Oh, that's too bad."

"Hey! You have to go out there right now and find it!"

"I will in a minute. It's already thrown away." I said, not moving from my place on the couch. Sometimes I'm not very submissive.

He started messing up my ponytail, systematically taking it out in large pieces and then topping it off with a good noogie.

"I'm still not going out there until I'm done with this," I said. I don't really relish the idea of picking through trash.

"AARRRRRG, fine." He said, and marched off into the study where he is supposed to be doing homework, but I think he's actually playing with Henry. I keep hearing them growl at each other.

And, whether I like it or not, it's now time for me to go dig through the trash. Well, either that or go to the store, because he definitely needs to have some deodorant. I just hope I can find it easily and that it's not covered in disgusting trash juice by now...gross.


  1. Sister, this reminds me of how mom used to ALWAYS take my water glasses and put them in the dishwasher all day long! So I would be trying so hard to keep the same water glass all day (which I was not very good at), and I'd look around and be like..."Mom, have you seen my water?" She's look real sheepish and say "Oh, um, you were still using it? I put it in the dishwasher." *sigh* Poor Mom. She's awful cute.

  2. Oh, how I wish there were something to pick and put away these days.... No cookie ingredients, no water glasses, no anything!

    Well, I take that back--Dad DOES leave his stuff laying around.... that must be where I got in the habit! ;-)

    Love you kids!
