Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Push-Up

"I'm eating a Push-Up," I gloated to Joey over the phone.

"What?  You're doing a push-up?" He asked, genuinely confused.  (I'm wearing a dress today.)

"No, no, I'm eating a Push-Up,"   I corrected.

"WHAT?!"  He yelled, "I LOVE PUSH-UPS!"

"I know, that's why I called to tell you."

"Humph."  There was a slight pause.  (A pouty pause.)  "Where'd you get one."

"It's tenant appreciation day down here, so they gave us ice cream."  I replied.

"Was it orange? Can you go get me one?"  Poor Joey begged.

"Yes it was.  And I can try..." I said.

We ended our conversation and I began my trek down to see if I could find him an orange Push-Up.  To my dismay, they had run out at 1:30 which was about an hour before I made it downstairs.

I walked through the kitchen on my way back up and happened to overhear someone mentioning that "there's a bunch of leftover ice cream in the freezer".

Sure enough, three orange Push-Ups.  I hid one in the other freezer and am hoping it's still there when I get off work.

The things you'll do for love...

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