Monday, August 06, 2007

The Pillow Is Always Softer On the Other Side Of the Bed

Joey has the uncanny knack for ruining pillows.  It's kind of amazing, actually, in an expensive sort of way, but every 6 months or so we have to go buy new pillows.  Somehow, when he sleeps he wads the pillow up, folds it in half, and squeezes it really hard, at least as near as I can tell.

Because of this, his pillows are never as comfortable as mine because they have this big, denty, lumpy spot in the middle.  He likes mine better, too, so he's always trying new ways to steal it.

Shortly after we were married I realized that Joey would snitch my pillow on the sly and then I'd get it back several days later slightly lumpier than it as before.  I began writing our names on our pillows and checking mine every night before I went to sleep.  This solved the pillow-snatching problem...for awhile.

I normally get up 15-30 minutes before Joey so I can do Important Morning Things (like read my Bible, do some laundry, empty the dishwasher, etc.).  I shut the bedroom door so that he doesn't get woken up by the light or Henry jumping on him and licking his face.  I'm such a nice wife.

However.  It appears that Joey not only thinks that my pillow is more comfortable now, but that he thinks my entire side of the bed is better.

I'll need to go in the bedroom to get something, and there I'll find Joey, happily sleeping away with my pillow, my blankets and my side of the bed.  (Usually when I notice this I go and get Henry so he'll jump on Joey and lick his face.)

"You're going to ruin my pillow, you know."  I said to Joey last evening.

He didn't answer.  I don't think he cares.


  1. haha!
    really nice post. well, all's fair in love, eh? So then what is pillow!

  2. Greg and I have the same battle, but ours is because he always turns his pillow yellow. Don't tell him I said anything; he might be embarrassed.

  3. No wonder I found a pillow today at our house with "JOEY" written on it!!

