Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fair Warning: It's Not Safe To Eat at Potbelly's

I was sitting at my desk, happily eating my chicken salad sandwich from Potbelly's when I bit down on something. Hard.

It felt too large to be a chicken bone. A bit too hard as well. I rolled it around in my mouth to try to figure out what it was. I determined that whatever it was I shouldn't eat it, so I politely spit it out into a napkin.

I unfolded the napkin and, to my great surprise, there sat a screw. (A regular one, not a Phillips one.)

Since the screw had just come out of my mouth with a bunch of chicken salad, it looked Very Disgusting. I dusted it off as much as possible and tapped it on the desk. It made a very metallic and disconcerting sound.

I carried it over to our catering manager and said, "I hate to be a whiner...but I found a screw in my sandwich."

I was met with a lock of shocked horror.

"A what?" She asked.

"A screw." I held it up for her to see.

"Oh...that makes me mad! I am calling them right now." She proceeded to call the store manager and tell them that it was not acceptable service to have screws in people's sandwiches.

I cleaned off the screw a little bit more. People were wanting to see it and there was still a piece of chicken stuck to it.

The general consensus was that it was horrifying to have a screw in one's sandwich, and did I break my tooth?

No, I did not break my tooth. But it still kind of hurts.

I don't think Potbelly's is going to refund us the cost of the entire order, either. (Which I definitely think they should do.)

Unfortunately, I see way more humor in the situation than anyone else does. So I was sitting here giggling about it when I was informed by those wiser than I that I could have had Very Serious Intenstinal Damage had I swallowed that screw.

Oh. When you put it like that...

Well, it was still kind of funny. In a "that would only happen to Jenna" sort of way...

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