Friday, August 03, 2007


Joey and I went to a brewery for dinner. (They have a really good restaurant!) We'd gotten this coupon for 50% off an appetizer with the order of an entree, so we went and ordered an appetizer and an entree and split them both.

Unfortunately, they put us in the bar. It was very loud and hard to talk.

Not to be dissuaded, we leaned as far as we could over the table and yelled over the din. There was a table of six guys next to us, and they all seemed a little bit, um, intoxicated. We'd been there about 15 minutes when I heard a very distinct belch.

"Oh my word, Joey did you hear that?" I asked, wide-eyed.

"No, what?"

"Somebody over there just belched! LOUD!"

He shook his head and we resumed our conversation, which was a small feat in and of itself.

A few minutes later, I heard another belch. "Joey! I just heard it again; that is so rude, I don't care if we're in a bar!"

He hadn't heard this one either, but he did concur with me that it was rude to burp in public, bar or no.

Just as we were finishing our tasty, tasty meal....


"I heard it this time," Joey said, inclining his head in the direction of the offensive man.

"So rude." I said.

That's what you get for eating dinner in the bar half of a brewery, though, I guess. Shows how much I know. (Although on the outside it appears to be a very nice establishment.) Can't judge a book by its cover...

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