Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So long, farewell?

We think it's lame for us to have two cars since we leave at the same time in the morning, follow each other down the freeway (we work 2 miles away from each other), and then follow each other home in the evening.

And when we're not at work, we're pretty much always together, since we're Siamese Spouses. We start dying if we're separated, it's almost pathetic.

Plus we'd rather carpool to eliminate pollution and save on gas. And it's much more pleasant to have an extra 30 minutes together every day - it's like Christmas!

So we're seriously considering the "selling the Honda" option. Here's our Honda's vital statistics:
  • 2001 Honda Accord sedan (And it's gold, which I think is ugly but Joey always liked)
  • It has 136,000 miles on it
  • It has never been sick or had to go to the doctor
  • We bought it in 2004 from a dealer in Dallas, so it has only suffered through 2 1/2 Iowa winters
  • It has no rust or body damage (Joey made me put that in)
  • It gets 28 mpg in town and 31 on the freeway
  • We want about $6,400 for it
I probably forgot stuff but I don't get real excited about cars. It has been a good car, though. I like Yoda the Toyota better, so I'm glad we're keeping it and selling the Honda.

So if you want to buy it from us, you know where to find me. We'll probably sell it to you.

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