Friday, September 07, 2007


I was so proud of myself this morning, I was out the door by 7:10!  I don't normally try to get in by 7:30, but this morning I had extra motivation since I knew my day was going to be a shambles.  (I'm moving locations and everything is a complete disaster, most of which is my own fault for being slightly disorganized yesterday.)

But I have digressed.

As I was walking to my car, I saw a lonely "Wall Street Journal" sitting on the sidewalk.

Oh!  I should pick that up!  I thought.  I walked past because I was in a hurry, but then doubled back.  You never know what the WSJ will come in handy for.

I picked it up by the corner and noticed that it felt oddly heavy.  Suddenly, brown squishy logs fell from the underside of the paper onto my hand and barely missed my feet.

"AAAAUGH!"  I screamed, dropping the paper back on the ground. 

Dog poo.  Large, fresh dog poo was on my right pinkie finger and had very nearly been all down my jeans had I not jumped out of the way in the nick of time.

I left the WSJ on the sidewalk, needless to say, and huffed over to my car where I pulled out the fancy waterless hand sanitizing foam that Sister/Hose got me for my birthday. (Many thanks, Sister!)  I sanitized myself as best I could, which I'm not sure was all that great considering it was FRESH DOG POO.  So disgusting.

On the upside, I made it downtown in 15 minutes today, and that's from the car to my chair.

On the downside, I just realized that I forgot to wash my hands after I got to work.  I'm going to go do that right now.

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