Friday, September 28, 2007

Henry Loses All Privileges

We thought Henry was an angel.  A perfect puppy.  Not a chewer of furniture or otherwise.  We obviously had mad skills at dog training since our dog was "so amazing".  (As long as you don't count the "spaz out when new people enter the house" thing...)

We were wrong.

In our entry way we used to have a light green shag rug that I really liked a lot.  Unfortunately so did Henry and several times we caught him pulling out the shag pieces individually and then batting them around the study.  He chewed off an entire corner before we made him buy me a new one with his budget money.

(Henry does have an allowance in the budget for his food, shampoo, etc...don't make fun.  He's just lucky he had some left over to purchase me a new rug.)

Turns out that Henry is just an all-around loser.  He's had house roaming privileges for about two months now, and he's always waiting for us by the front door when we come home, looking as angelic as can be.

Until yesterday.

We came home from our errands last night to find my new brown rug had been dragged over by the laundry and torn to shreds.  He now owes Mommy another rug.

Additionally, he took one of my silk pillows down from the futon and  sucked on the corner of it thereby making it soggy and strange looking.

Oh, and he also took to chewing on the white sheers hanging in the study.

Suffice it to say, our dog no longer has free reign of the house.  He slept in his kennel last night and, in fact, is in there today. 


So much for our "perfect" dog and otherwise "perfect" dog parenting.   We were due for a reality check and our number was obviously up.

1 comment:

  1. Sister, it seems to me that you could be prone to the same problem Grandma and Grandpa had with Dad and Aunt Michele. They thought they were the best parents in the world as Dad grew up. They gave everyone advice on how to do it. And then Michele was born. They never gave parenting advice again, I hear. Some kids just have it. Others don't. Same probably applies to dogs;-) Although you guys are pretty great parents, too. And so were Gramps and Grams come to think of it. I mean, Michele turned out alright. Dad on the other hand...;-)
