Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Name is not Jennie

You know how sometimes people call you a name that's really close to your actual name...but not quite it?  And then you're stuck with the awkward problem of either correcting them, going with it and assuming they meant to call you a sort of "nickname", or ignoring it so as not to cause the person undue embarrassment.

This has just happened to me.

I was just in the kitchen getting lunch (Au Bon Pain today!  Hooray!) when a friend of mine came in.  We got to talking about the broccoli cheese soup -- it's amazing -- and how there was barely any left. 

"What do you think, Jennie, is there enough left in here for us?"  she asked me, poking the ladle into the bottom of the boiler pan.

Lately she's been calling me Jennie.  I really can't tell if she thinks it's a cute nickname, or if she thinks my name is Jennie.  The kitchen was full of people, so I decided to let the whole incorrect name thing slide.

"I already got mine, but I can help you tilt the boiler so you can get some," I volunteered.

She declined my assistance and proved herself very ambidextrous by tilting the boiler AND ladling the very last bit of soup into her bowl.

"Nice work," I complimented.

I left the kitchen with my soup and sandwich and was very proud of myself when I made it down the slippery marble winding staircase without falling on my bum.  Every day I worry about this and once I was so worried about not falling that I wasn't paying attention and jammed my pinkie finger on the railing.  I can't win for losing.

But back to the whole Jenna vs. Jennie thing.  I HATE TO BE CALLED JENNIE.  OR JEN.  So for those of you out there who thought you might someday want to shorten my name, please don't.  Everyone is named Jennie, and even more people Jen.  I like to be Jenna because it's slightly more distinct.  (Thanks Mom and Dad, nice choice on the naming business.)

As for my coworker who seems to think that Jennie is my actual name? Well...I'm not going to bring it up with her. 

But if you start calling me Jennie I might have to throw down.


Greg said...

ok - here's what you need to do. Next time your friend is within earshot you need to find someone new to introduce yourself to. Do it loud enough to be heard but not so loud as to draw attention to yourself. Your friend will feel dumb but won't say anything - she'll just hope you never heard her actually call you Jennie. But, the next time you are with your friend she will call you Jenna - I just bet. Then, all will be right with the world.

Or - you could just start calling her Jennie so she can see how it feels.

Anonymous said...

I can sort of relate. One person at my work STILL mis-pronounces my last name, and just the other day, a person came into my office, and started calling me Shelly. SO awkward...