Thursday, September 20, 2007

An Open Letter Which I Have Written To The Kid

Dear Alex,

          I am in my Excel seminar for the next two days.  Hopefully you kicked your test's bum when you took it – I prayed for you, man.  You're way smrter than me so I am sure you will get a 5+.

           I went to lunch at this shady sandwich place today.  It was not amazing.  The floors were dirty and the walls were stained, plus the toilet hadn't been cleaned in a long time.  And there was a dead cricket in the corner.  Very lame.  My food wasn't even that good. L But I get reimbursed…fortunately.  I got chips, candy (chewy Gobstoppers!) and some raspberry white tea.  I'm real spoiled.  Unfortunately, the combination of an entire box of Gobstoppers and the white tea has is making my stomach hurt now.

           We bought Henners a padded pump-a-kin costume, but it was a wee bit small.  We took it back and now I'm wishing we haven't, so I might go back and rebuy it.  He was real cute in it, that's for sure.

The apartment guys came buy today to change the locks.  Poor Nosy Neighbor!  She will be so upset, but Joey and I figure this is just our idiot tax.  Who knew?!  We'll never give a key to someone we barely know again.  I seriously wish there was some way to know if she'd been letting herself in to get Henry, poke around in my dresser, look at Joey's books…it's truly anyone's guess.  I haven't noticed anything out of order, but if she was just getting Henry out then we probably wouldn't notice.  It'll be interesting to see if she gets real upset "randomly."  Then we'll know she was breaking in! 

Drama, drama, drama…

I have been debating spelling my name differently.  You know, to throw people off.  Actually, this all came about because I spelled it wrong on accident when I was really tired one night and we were playing a game with some friends.  I wrote "Jenne" down on my score sheet instead of "Jenna" and it really confused our friend who thought he'd been spelling my name wrong the entire time. 

I'm not really sure how I spelled my own name wrong, but I definitely did do it.  It's a pretty amazing name spelling though.  Joey disagrees which is a major deterrent.

Different ways to spell your name that I thought of while sitting here:

            Ahleks              Alix

            Aleks               Aelex

You do realize, though, that your name in its original spelling is alcoholic, right?  Ale-x?!  Mom and Dad obviously weren't planning well.  I think ale is illegal at Cedarville, so you had better just go by X; it's much more better.  I advise changing it as soon as possible.  I will begin referring to you as X in a prohibition effort.

Obviously I am getting bored and going nuts.  This guy is teaching stuff I already know right now, so I just figure to write you some lame letter.  How am I doing?

Andrew and I figure that in Boundary Waters we can harness Hen's energy (he's got even more of it after we take him on a mile walk!) and make him pull the canoe.  Otherwise that guy will just sit on the packs and cry (he's a whiner) or he'll run around on them trying to get in the water.  Henry's emotionally unstable.  No, probably more like mentally unstable, eh.  Are you sure you trust that guy in your tent?  Either way, he's still coming and so are you.

I hope you did real amazing on your Zulu speech.  It seemed really interesting when I readed it for you, so I give you a 5+ for certain.

Guess what?  I bought some new shoes and they have 4 inch heels.  It's so amazing!  I am unbelievably tall when I wear them, I come up to the middle of Joey's head instead of the bottom of his chin.  Maybe someday you can try them on.  Wait, no.  You can never try my high heels on.  Never.

Remember back when I used to put tons of yours and Andrew's underwears on me over my clothes and on my head and run around the house?  I think it was a couple years ago, maybe 2 or 3.  Anyway, it would make him and Pops so mad, but I thought it was inspirational.

Anyway, this is getting really long, and probably boring too.  I think you are quite amazing, X, so let's be friends.


Jenna, your older sister who is cool


  1. OH jenna. you make me smile.

    By the way, I went to the doctor the other day, and i thought of you: He shined a little light up my nose and said, "The inside of your nose is glistening."

    Hehe. INSIDE. Not OUTSIDE. ;-)


    ps. Alex: If you are reading this, I'm very upset that you are an alcholoic beverage. I always knew there was something not-quite-right about you. ;-)

  2. The fact that I am an alcoholic beverage was completely NOT my doing!! But I will get right on changing my name.

    Gracias. I appreciated the letter :). Glad it kept you entertained whilest you were in a boring seminar.
