Thursday, October 04, 2007

God: Not a Department Store

Joey and I were talking the other day about how sometimes when God gives us something (a blessing or otherwise!), we whine about it! If you listen carefully, you can almost hear Christmas morning...

"It's too big."

"It's not the right color."

"I didn't ask for that."

"Does this come with any accessories?"

Fortunately, God doesn't have a return policy. I can't tell you how many times we've complained about something God has given us...only to realize that - woah! - God was blessing us the entire time and we were too dense to notice it.

And sometimes when God's gift is not quite the right size, He's given us something to grow into. (One instance where, yes, it really is better to go up a size or two.)

Being a clearance-rack shopper myself, I think it's encouraging that His "items" never have to go on sale. They're always worth the original purchase price.

That's my two cents worth.

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