Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Henry Would Not Have Survived Evolution

Henry is one of those dogs that wouldn't have survived Survival of the Fittest.  He'd never have made it past puppyhood were it not for the watchful eyes of his parents, Joey and I.



Yesterday we put Henry in the kitchen but, since he had started gnawing on the French doors, we put up the baby gate.  We also shut the French doors as an added precaution.


When I came home yesterday (nearly an hour early thanks to a very speedy doctor's appointment!) I was surprised to find Henry lying pathetically on the carpet by the front door.  He'd jumped over the gate and slammed his head into the French doors, and somehow got out of the kitchen.


Unfortunately, he'd been without his food and water all day and was really dehydrated.  His nose was dry and his eyes had stopped watering (disgusting but apparently necessary) so his cheeks were poofy.  He was also making these strange snorting, heaving motions as he tried to swallow.


"Oh, Henry!  You're not very bright.  You're supposed to stay in the kitchen with your water!"  I told him as I picked him up. I mixed up a glass of Gerber LiquiLytes and force-fed him 4 ccs. 


He wasn't happy about it.  He coughed and tried to get away but was unsuccessful.


About 10 minutes later his nose was wet again and he was starting to become his normal, hyperactive self.  By the time a half hour had passed, he was a total spaz.  I fed him 4 more before bed last night, and 2 more this morning.  For some reason he just forgets to drink his water sometimes and then he makes himself sick.  


But then we've always maintained that he's not a very bright dog.  Just a cute one.

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