Wednesday, October 24, 2007

In Which Jenna Gets Yelled At By The Dallas Police

Last night was a very nice, cool evening.  While I was on my way home from work I determined that nothing would please me more than to take Henry to the dog park at White Rock Lake after I'd cleaned up dinner and while Joey was working on homework.

This plan did not go over very well with Joey who informed me that he was not going to sit at home and read while I took Henry to a dog park; that was absolutely unfair.

Several minutes later Joey's phone rang.  He talked to his friend for a few minutes and then put the phone down, his eyes gleaming with excitement. 

"Jordan has a free ticket to the Mavs game tonight and he's wondering if I can go."

"But what about all that homework you said you had to do?"  I asked.

"I'll take it with me!"  He said.  He seemed to think this was a good solution.  "Besides, it's not due until Thursday."

Since there was nothing standing in his way, he told Jordan that, yes, he could go to the game with him.   I was very jealous.  I like watching basketball and, since we don't have a TV, it's a very rare occurrence.  (And soccer, which I spent every Sunday afternoon watching with FIL#1 during my Senior year of college, is not the same thing.)

It was only 6:50, so I decided now was a good time to leave for the dog park before it got too dark outside.  I bundled up, made myself some tea, grabbed my copy of Mansfield Park, and harnessed Henry.  Joey was sitting in the study doing homework mostly, I think, to convince me that he was actually going to get something done tonight.

I pretty much knew better.

I gave Joey a kiss and Henry and I headed out the door. Henry was all giddy as we went to the car, he loves going places.  When we got to the dog park, the sign read "CLOSED".  There were about 20 people and as many dogs in the fenced in area, though, so I figured I might as well join them.

The gate was locked, but there were two plastic lawn chairs next to the fence that people were using to climb over.  I figured I might as well be a joiner as not, so I did the same.

I unclipped Henry's leash and left him to sniff around with the other dogs.  He was real traumatized at first, but shortly decided he would have more fun if he chased the larger dogs.  I found a vacant chair in the middle of the park and sat down with my tea and my book.  Henry ran about and played very nicely, something that pleased me quite a bit.  (He's rather socially awkward.)

About 10 minutes passed before I heard, "HEY!  IT IS ILLEGAL TO JUMP THE FENCE; IS THAT HOW YOU ALL GOT IN?"

I whipped my head around and there, in the parking lot standing next to a Dallas Police car stood a policeman.  A very angry policeman.


Oh great, "Dallas Seminary Student wife gets busted at the dog park for being an illegal ," I thought to myself.  I can see the headlines now.

I grabbed Henry, my book and my tea and waited in line to climb over the fence to get back out. 

"Do you think he'll give us all citations?"  People whispered worriedly as they passed me.

I certainly hoped not.

We made it out without incident and the policeman didn't seem like he was handing out tickets.  I slunk back to my car.  With all the excitement, Henry was completely keyed up and going crazy.  He still needed exercise, which had been the entire point of going to the dog park in the first place.

So I decided to take him running.  He didn't really like it.

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