Friday, October 12, 2007

Jenna Wakes Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed

Joey had his Nerd Meeting last night and by 11:00 I decided I couldn't stay up any longer and wait for him.  So I put down my copy of Northanger Abbey and Henry and I fell asleep.

I made the mistake of leaving the bedroom door open and not leaving a light on for Joey like I always do.  (I must have been unusually tired.) 

Sometime after midnight I was awoken by terribly loud noises and an astonishingly bright light.  The commotion continued for what seemed to be 10 minutes before Joey, my husband, came barreling into our room.

(In his defense, I don't think he was really all that loud at all.)

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR," I growled and thrashed around in the sheet.

"Hi, I'm home."  Joey said, gently.

"YOU ARE SO LOUD AND YOU TURNED THE LIGHTS ON!  I was sleeping."  I snarled.  I then realized that in my earlier thrashing I had tangled myself up in the sheet.  So I thrashed some more to untangle myself.

"Sorry..." Joey said, timidly.

I tore back the sheet and threw my feet to the ground.  "I'm going to the bathroom," I said and stumbled my way to what I thought was the door but was really the door frame. I ran into it.

Joey tried to follow me into the bathroom to talk rationally with me, but it was not to be.  I don't even remember what he said, but I do remember that my responses varied between "Rar", "I'm sleepy", and "Did you turn all the lights in the entire house on when you got in?"

(Now that I am fully awake and sane again I think he only turned on the entry way light on.)

I stomped back into the bedroom and dug a blanket out.

"Are you cold?"  Joey asked.

"YES."  I replied.

I threw the blanket on the floor and got back into bed.

"Do you want me to put the blanket on you?"  He was really being very nice to me, all things considered.

"NO.  I'm sleepy."  I reiterated, and immediately fell back to sleep.

I woke up at 4:30 freezing cold.  But, as I was too sleepy to figure out how to put the blanket on, poor Joey (who woke up at the exact same time) wound up helping me.

So I can't remember the last time I freaked out about getting woken up, but I obviously have some issues I didn't realize I had.  Poor Joey, now he'll probably have PTSD and flashbacks every time he comes home late from his Nerd Meetings. Next time I'll be sure to leave the entry light on and shut the bedroom door.

Oh, and for the record this morning I did apologize for my terrible behavior.

1 comment:

  1. Sister, this is quite amusing for a number of reasons. First, I am also reading Northanger Abbey again. Second, I have done the exact same thing!!! Stephen came home and was being really quite and gentle and only turned on the bathroom light, but I was convinced he was being VERY loud, VERY mean, and turned on ALL the lights. Poor guy. Reminds me of that story where Pastor Steve whispered in Dad's ear, and Dad to this day is convinced he was yelling at him. I think we know what really happened...
