Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Why No One Takes Me Seriously

Today's lunch is Swedish Meatballs which, apparently, everyone loves but me.  I was upstairs telling this to the caterer's delivery guy (who is really hilarious and I like to tease a lot) but the only sympathy I got from him was, "There is obviously something wrong with you.  Everyone likes these meatballs but you, so obviously you are the problem."


Our delivery guy is pretty cool.  I'm not sure where he's from but he's got a real thick accent that took me a couple of weeks to decipher, but now he and I communicate just fine.  I like to take leftovers home, so he usually holds things until I've picked through it.  It's good to have friends in high places like that.

That's totally off topic, though.  Where was I?  Oh yes, the telling me that I was the problem. He walked over to the door where I was standing and looked at me very, very carefully.  Then, turning, he said to the other person in the kitchen, "She looks like one of those ceramic dolls."

The other person in the kitchen's eyes got real wide and it was obvious that Can he say that at work without getting a lawsuit filed against him? was running through his mind.

"Don't you think so?"  The delivery guy asked the other guy in the kitchen, "She looks exactly like one of those ceramic dolls."

The situation was now beyond Slightly Uncomfortable and had moved to Very Awkward.

The other guy shuffled around and hesitated before he said, "You mean porcelain doll, and I'm definitely not getting involved in this."

Poor delivery guy.  I determined that the best "out" for all parties involved was for me to laugh really, really loud and say something witty.

Unfortunately, I left all my witty phrases at home and the best I could come up with was, "Well, I guess that's why no one takes me seriously!" 

I sidled out of the kitchen as the delivery guy called after me, "Because you look like a doll!"

And that, folks, is why I have problems.  Not because I don't like Swedish Meatballs, but because I look like a ceramic doll and everyone thinks I'm 12.  Although I have been finding a few more gray hairs lately, so I'm sure my days as a ceramic doll are numbered.

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