Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday Night Date: DTS Style

Joey had to pull an extra shift tonight to videotape an online-ed class that hadn't been filmed earlier in the semester because the prof had a doctoral student guest lecture. From 6-9 Joey was going to be down in the dungeons of Todd. (Yes, I called them dungeons. They're like dungeons; they're scary and gray and there's no cell phone signal. Dungeons quite obviously don't have cell phone signal.)

So the plan was:
a.) Jenna get off work
b.) Jenna fight traffic to go get Henry
c.) Jenna & Henry grab a turkey Subway to eat for dinner
d.) Jenna & Henry arrive at DTS
e.) Joey, Jenna & Henry hang out until Joey's done filming the class

Things are going according to plan so far. We've eaten our dinner, I've surfed the Internet and Joey has faithfully watched his 4 monitors to make sure he's got a couple cameras on the prof and a couple on the students.

(One lady earlier was so bored that she was gnawing on her finger. She was going at it so hard I thought for sure she was going to chew it off. I felt sort of bad that she didn't remember she was being watched.)

The evening hasn't been a total wash, though. I'm drinking a Pepsi and have eaten an Atomic Fireball. Joey and I were just dancing around to Chris Rice's "When Did You Fall" but Henry got jealous and started growling at us. Currently we're rocking it out to "Sweet Home Alabama" and Joey's asking me to check our bank balance. All the while he's keeping his eyes on his monitors and not missing a beat. So talented...

Come on, what gets more romantic than that?! :)

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