Monday, November 26, 2007

The Great Christmas Tree Hunt

We spent Thanksgiving with our friends Danny and Laura (yes, folks, THE Danny and Laura of fame) and had a great day. Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon as we were discussing Black Friday deals and Christmas trees, we decided to try to find a real, live Christmas tree farm and cut ourselves a couple of Christmas trees.

So I asked The Google where I might find a Christmas tree farm. It told me I'd find one in Flower Mound, complete with hayrides.

I shall abridge the story and just tell you that the Christmas tree farm in Flower Mound gets their trees from Michigan. They are not "cut your own" and, considering the place is in the middle of town, I have no idea where they give these alleged hayrides.

So we gave up and drove over to that Lowe's on Jupiter. But, quite by accident, we found a Christmas tree tent a few parking lots over from Lowes. These Christmas trees came from Oregon (I'm not sure if that was supposed to be a major selling point or not...) and were proudly displayed in all their fluffy, pine-needley glory. These trees were not all strung up with twine like the ones at Lowes.

Joey and I conspired about our budget and finally settled on $40. We ran hither and yon until, at last, we found the perfect tree. (We also found a tree that cost $350 and was taller than my parents house. But we left it in the lot.)

We also brought our camera along and took 100 pictures. (You did read that correctly - one hundred pictures in less than an hour) I think it's dangerous for Woestmans to own cameras.

Once we found The Tree Danny said, "Stand by it and I'll take your picture." We stood by the tree. Danny took about 25 pictures. I like this one because I'm being all green friendly and hugging my tree.

This one Joey made me put in here. I look like an idiot and I think that's why he picked it. He's not very nice.

I decided to carry the tree out of the tent. It wasn't very heavy but it was very sappy, prickly and cumbersome. I was mostly just proud of myself that I got the tree off of the ground, up into the air, and over the other taller trees since I'm not very tall in the first place.

When I finally got the tree outside the guy came over and said, "You know, I'd have come and gotten it for you." I couldn't tell if he was annoyed with me or not, but I decided I didn't really care. So I told him it was OK and we just wanted to be sure we got the right tree. (That's really only half true, mostly I wanted to carry the tree around.)

This is Danny and Laura and their cute little tree. Fortunately they have a Jeep and we were able to tie our trees on top of it...otherwise I'm really not sure how we'd have gotten our tree back into our house.

Poor Henry, we brought the tree inside and got it all set up. He was fairly scared of it until it was in its stand, then he hesitantly came over to smell it. His analysis was that it was poky, sharp and wasn't worth his time. (Whew.)

And this is our Christmas living room. I love it! Isn't the tree just perfect? And we have a fireplace to hang our stockings! I just love Christmas...

1 comment:

  1. Look at those amazing decorations. Hopefully you'll get to see mine on Thursday night! We'll see how disciplined I am tomorrow night at cleaning up and organizing.
