Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Joey Screams

Over the past couple of years, I have become a huge chicken.  Movies, television shows, radio programs....all of the above have the potential to scare me really bad, especially when creepy music is involved.

For Christmas last year, Joey was given the complete 7 seasons of MacGyver.  We're about halfway through the 3rd season, we usually watch a couple episodes a week.  Last night's episode was called "Ghost Ship" or some such nonsense.

MacGyver was doing some kind of land survey up in Alaska and, while he was out there, he found a ship anchored in a bay. So of course he checked it out; something definitely was afoot. The creepy music began to play and I buried my face in the back of the couch.

"I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared," I repeated, rather like Joey's 3 year old cousin now that I think about it.

MacGyver found a rowboat with claw marks gashed in it and fixed it up so he could row out to the ship.  Once he got to the ship, the music started in again.

(This is the part where it got too scary for me and I went to the kitchen to empty the dishwasher.)

"What's going on?"  I asked, hesitantly, from the kitchen.

"He's finding a lot of broken stuff on the ship..." Joey narrated.  "Oh, a bloody handprint...and lots of broken glasses.  There are open magazines on the table..."

The music got creepier. There were now strange, animal-like howls. Suddenly...

"AAAAAAAUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!"  Joey screamed and jumped about a mile.  I glanced over at him, thinking he was making fun of me.  He was not; he had legitimately screamed.  He had a sort of tense look on his face and he was staring at the computer screen intently.

"What happened?"  I asked.

"A big furry arm just flashed across the screen."  He was holding a pillow tightly.

"It's good I'm in the kitchen."  I said, relieved.

"Yeah, it probably is.  I can't believe I screamed."  Joey seemed kind of ashamed of himself, but I was secretly proud of him.

And now that I type out the circumstances, it's pretty lame that either one of us were scared in the first place.  The furry arm turned out to be a man dressed up in a Sasquatch costume trying to keep people out of the area. Oy, I think I might be rubbing off on poor Joey. 

But man, that 80's jump-scene music is pretty creepy...

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