Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Lip Balm Crisis

So I was sitting here when I suddenly realized that I needed a lip balm fix.  I am, shall we say, a lip balm addict.  I also have problems making decision when I have more than one option (it's hereditary).

I reached for my lip balm and suddenly realized that I had three different kinds within reach.  And, if you count the additional two different kinds in my purse, that put the grand total of lip balms within two feet of me at five.

Five lip balms.


I withdrew my hand and stared at the three lip balms that I could see.  My visible options were:
1.  Burt's Bees
2.  C.O. Bigelow Spearmint Mentha Lip Shine
3.  C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Tint in a shade of red

I started to squirm when I realized I had to make a decision.  Then I remembered that I had two more different kinds of lip balm in my purse; maybe I wanted one of those?  My invisible options were:

1.  C.O. Bigelow Shea Butter Lip Balm
2.  C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Tint in a shade of pink

Which one do I pick?  Do I want pink lips, red lips, shiny lips, smooth lips or pepperminty lips?
  I squirmed as I pondered my options.

The decision-making process was proving stressful.  I think I have too many lip balms.  Suddenly I grabbed my Burt's Bees, applied it, and leaned back with a great sigh of relief; one (albeit minor) decision down.

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