Tuesday, November 06, 2007

My I Love Lucy Day

I'm wearing my new tweed jumper/dress from Ann Taylor Loft today with a very lovely emerald green velvet headband and matching green bead necklace.  (Emerald green is my favorite color, of course.  And it's hard to find!)  Because it's cold out, I decided I better wear stockings with my heels so that I wouldn't freeze to death.

Unfortunately, the stockings make my shoes just a teensy bit too big and my feet kept sliding out the backs.  (I knew I should have gone with a size 7!)

So after an hour of suffering through my shoes sliding off, I decided I had to lose the stockings.  Which I did and have felt just fine ever since; I haven't had a shoe fly off in several hours.  I'm going to have to get heel grippers.

Once the stocking situation was remedied, I bent over to put them into my purse and - surprise! - my necklace fell off.

I sighed, picked it up and put it back on.  (No easy task since I clipped my nails very short several days ago.)

I was beginning to feel like a walking disaster.

And now, as I sit here typing this, my lovely emerald green velvet headband is pinching my head in a most uncomfortable way and giving me a headache.

I can't win.

I was relating my unfortunate events to a friend who said, "Jenna, you sound like an episode of I Love Lucy!" 


And I can't take this headband off because:
1.)  I like it. It's my favorite color
2.)  I'll have headband hair and the only thing worse than headband hair is unwashed hat hair.

1 comment:

  1. Sister, that is precisely why I do not wear headbands. They give me extrordinary headaches. What shirt are you wearing with it? Do red and green go together??
