Monday, November 12, 2007

Slightly Over-Medicated

Because I lost my voice last night after singing my head off at a concert I was a little concerned about the fact that I might get certifiably sick. I felt kind of disgusting by bedtime last night so I took extra vitamins, an Emergen-C and half a dose of Ny-Quil.

This morning when I got up I didn't waste any time.

I downed 1 Emergen-C (raspberry fizz flavor, of course) and drank a bunch of water. I slipped 4 more Emergen-C packets in my purse for later. Once I got to my desk I immediately took my vitamins and drank another Emergen-C. I set out 4 Cold-Eeze lozenges on my desk and took one every few hours.

So my voice is raspy, my nose is a little stuffed up...and my stomach is roiling from all the supplements I've stuffed down it today.

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