Friday, December 07, 2007

Henry Is Inappropriate

For those of you who haven't had a chance to experience the amazing lengths of Henry's tongue, I have attached a picture.
That is the most disturbing picture I have seen in a long time. I hated to have to post it here to freak you all out, but it's kind of necessary in order to understand the rest of what I'm about to tell you.

See, Henry's my baby since I don't actually get to have one for, like, a million more years while Joey finishes (or almost finishes) seminary. So we pretend Henry is our little boy and we hold him just like a toddler. He likes being held on our hips so he can see what's going around up high where we are.

So there I was, standing by my kitchen bar and holding Henry as though he were my real little boy (although I realize that he's not and that he's a dog). He was happily sniffing my chin and looking at the things on things on the counter; he was being cute.

I turned my face towards Henry's and, at the very same moment he decided it was time to lick my chin I opened my mouth to say something to Joey.

Yes, it's true. Henry stuck his nasty puppy-dog tongue right in my mouth.

"Joey!!" I yelled as I quickly deposited Henry on the floor and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Henry just stuck his tongue in my mouth!"

Joey just laughed at me. Henry sat on the floor looking up at me like, "What is wrong with you, Mom?"

It was horrible.


  1. Okay - that has got to be the funniest thing I've read in a while! I only wish you had a video of it happening and then of Henry getting dropped on the floor!

  2. "Dog lips! Dog lips! I've been kissed by dog lips!" --Lucy
