Friday, December 28, 2007

Snowy Day...

I love my parents' house in every season of the year (they have a fantastic acreage) but especially in the winter. The white snow looks so crisp up against their red house. This morning when we woke up there was a lovely blanket of powdery white snow, at least 2 inches deep. Just what the doctor ordered.

In the garage door you can see Sister standing next to the toboggan that is leaning up against the house. The toboggan is taller.

Perhaps you can see that the snow is so deep that it has covered the seat part of this bench. VERY impressive, at least to my Sister.

According to Tradition, Sister and I took bottles out to feed the babies. They were very happy to see us and only rammed us five or six times.

Little Brown, the calf Sister is feeding, is much more polite than the rowdy black and white calf that I was trying to feed. He kept knocking the wind out of me by ramming his head into my stomach. Hard.

This angry looking cow is outside eating hay and getting snowed on.

We found a mound of snow and climbed upon it to be Queens of the Mountain. Unfortunately since there is so much snow you really can't tell what is snow and what is mound. And...I'm all covered in snow because I wiped out really badly right before this picture was taken. Apparently there's a real thick layer of ice under the nice powdery snow...

We found a really old, rickety bench that was covered in snow, so we sat on it to see if it would break. It did not break, which makes Sister and I feel very light and svelte.

I am having so much fun in Iowa! We're about to go to a French place for lunch, just us girls, why the boys go to the cow store and out to some manly place like Maid Rite or pizza or whatever. And the snow isn't even supposed to stop until 3:00 in the afternoon!

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