Tuesday, December 25, 2007

To Jenna, From Santa

I grew up knowing that Santa did not exist, and that was just fine with me. Didn't bother me a bit. We always did the Christmas play as our tradition anyway, and usually I got to be Mary, an angel with a glittery halo, or the sheep if I was lucky. Way cool.

This Christmas morning I'm at Joey's parent's house. There are presents under the tree (lots), the stockings have been opened (I got a pretty bracelet, 2 movies, and some grippies for pulling hot stuff out of the oven, among other things).

When I woke up and saw all the presents under the tree I was told, in No Uncertain Terms by the Brothers that I was not to touch any of the presents under it. So I looked very carefully but did not touch.


"WOAH! One of these says it's to Jenna from Santa!" I grabbed the gift and picked it up to have a closer look.

The Brothers yelled, "You're not supposed to touch that!" "Put that down!" and "MOM, Jenna touched a present!"

I looked at them smugly. "I don't count because I'm a girl, I can touch my presents if I want to." And I carried my present over to Joey, who took a picture of it for me to post here.

I'm not sure if you can read that label, but it totally says To Jenna, From Santa. It's my first present from Santa in my entire 25 year lifespan.

1 comment:

  1. YEA! I love presents from Santa - especially because I honestly thought Santa was real until I was at least 12 years old. Which, sadly, is a bit old to believe in Santa, but call me an optimist! Merry Christmas!
