Wednesday, January 02, 2008

10% Off

I got a gift card for Williams Sonoma for Christmas (thanks Grandpa and Grandma Laird!) and yesterday Joey and I went to the mall with the express purpose of making very good use of said gift card.  I knew I wanted to purchase salt and pepper grinders, but beyond that I wasn't sure what, precisely, I wanted.  I love baking and cooking, so it's always fun to get new gadgets or cookbooks.

After perusing for about 20 minutes, I settled on a silicon basting brush and an onion/potato/dicer dicer in addition to my grinders.  All told, my merchandise added up to just a few dollars over my gift card amount.  I knew that once our Texas-sized sales was added, it would be quite a bit over. 

I pushed my items toward the cashier, a friendly guy named David, and said "Is there any chance you guys are running a 10% off sale today?  I mean, I'd take advantage of it if you were." 

He grinned at us.  "Just for you, huh?"

"Yep, just for me," I said at the exact same time that Joey replied, "No, you could give it to other people too."

(They say opposites attract...)

David finished ringing everything up, swiped my gift card and said, "You'll have $5 remaining on the card."

We smiled at him, said thank you, and marched out of the store arm-in-arm, swinging our shopping bags.  A few steps later I asked, "Wait, did he really give us 10% off?  I should have paid another $10, but we wound up having $5 left on the card..."

Joey dug out the receipt and handed it to me.  Sure enough, each of the two grinders was marked down $5.50 for a grand total of $11 off the purchase price!  We were quite surprised.

"Just goes to show, you should always ask if they'll give you money off!"  I said, proudly, and immediately picked up the phone to call my grandma to tell her my good money-saving story.

1 comment:

  1. Sister, those silicon basting brushes are the sweetest thing since sliced bread! Everyone should have one. Congratulations.
