Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I knew it would happen

What with this getting up early to go work out and all I knew that one morning I would forget a Very Important Component of my work wardrobe. This morning was one such morning.

Fortunately, no, it wasn't my right shoe or dress pants, it was the links for the French cuffs on my dress shirt.  I know exactly where they are, too, they're in the rice bowl on my dresser next to the Burt's Bees (Greg and Kelly, ya'll got me hooked on that stuff years ago, your legacy lives on!) that I also forgot to pack.

So what's a girl to do, anyway?  I stood there in the dressing room at Baylor kind of unsure what my next step should be, the sleeves of my shirt hanging down far past my fingertips.  Fortunately, Laura took action.  "Do you have an earring?  Hmm, no that won't hold it.  Wait, what about this" -- she began rolling up my sleeves -- "here, that sort of works.  No, roll them up one more."

I'd have probably thought of that eventually, but not before wilting and sitting down on the bench to ponder my next move...and pondered for a very long time.  My innovative skills are pretty weak at 7:15 a.m.

Anyway, here I sit with rolled up sleeves, which means I'll have to iron the shirt all over again just to get the wrinkles out in order to wear it properly with the cuff links next time.  I really hate to iron.

1 comment:

  1. It is always nice to know that you've made an impact on someone's life! I'd like to take credit for the iron-rage too; makes me carnal!
