Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In Which I Give Myself More Power Than I Am Due

Because the Stock Market was closed yesterday I had the day off.  So I baked a carrot cake and took it to the boys at Joey's office.  It was my best carrot cake to date - perfectly moist and squidgy with oodles of cream cheese frosting.  We cut the cake into, like, 16 pieces and there are none left anymore which saddens me, because I want to eat some more of it.  Delish.

Anyway, we all sat the big messy table in the disorganized part of Joey's office (well, wait, the whole thing is disorganized...I'd stress out so bad if I worked there) where they eat their lunch and watch Nacho Libre in their spare time.  I glanced at my watch.  1:30.

"What time are you getting off?"  I asked Joey.

"Oh, I don't know.  Later," he replied.

Everyone seemed to be on a sugar-buzz letdown.  The ten of us were just sitting around staring at nothing and occasionally conversing about NPR or how I now had a sugar stomachache from eating so much of the frosting I made before actually frosting the cake.

"I figure I'm giving you the afternoon off," I announced.

Joey glanced around.  His bosses were sitting right there and none of them seemed to be paying any sort of attention to him, so he said, "OK, sure.  We'll leave at 2:00."

Still no word from the bosses.

I wandered around campus and visited some of my friends who work in other departments before going back down to fetch Joey at 2:15.  He had all his bags packed and he was ready to go.  No one really commented as we left, either.  (I think they were all still in sugar-land.)

It was a gorgeous afternoon.  So we got home, grabbed 2 blankets, some books and Henry's stake and chain and headed out to the fields where we lay in the sun and read.  Joey fell asleep after about 2 pages of reading, which was boring, and Henry konked out immediately with his white fluffy fur blowing in the breeze.

The idyllic scene abruptly came to an end when a large, black dog came walking by with his people and Henry took off running after it wanting to befriend him.  Poor, poor Henry, though, didn't realize he was still on a lead and he got severely clotheslined when he reached the end of his rope.  (Good thing we had him on his harness!)  He was kind of demoralized after that, poor thing.

After an hour of sunning ourselves, Joey and I went home and made pancakes, watched a movie and went for a walk in the dark. 

"I'm very glad you gave me the afternoon off," Joey said.

I was too.  Because it was the perfect afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Way to stun the Bosses with a sugar high! In which case, you DO have the power! :)
