Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Joey's Words of Wisdom

According to ancient Laird tradition, when it is your birthday you are required, following the consumption of cake and opening of presents, to impart some Words of Wisdom upon those who may be around the table celebrating with you.  This ancient tradition goes back at least 17 years or so and was probably originated by one Douglas D. Laird.

With that background and knowing that Joey is not a biological but a naturalized Laird (wait, is it possible for Lairds to be any sort of natural?!) I should tell you that three times this weekend I told him to prepare his Words of Wisdom before I actually got anything out of him.  I think he thought he was exempt since Pops isn't around to give him a suspicious look and say "up against the wall!" or some such phrase.

So on our Birthday walk last night (it was 85 yesterday, kids) I said, "OK, what are your Words of Wisdom?  I gotta know."

He replied, "I've been thinking about this all day because I wanted to come up with something good."

"I'm ready,"  I told him.

"Well, I have learned over this past year that every single person I have judged has turned out, in one way or another, to have stronger character than I.  So my Words of Wisdom for this year are don't judge others!"

"Wow, honey, that's some good Wisdom."  I said, squeezing his hand.  Usually Words of Wisdom wind up being something like "Don't let Jenna sneak Mexicali Cheese into the Boundary Waters again" or "Keep track of your shoes at all times".

So there you have it, Pops, Joey's Words of Wisdom posted online for you and all the other people who may or may not read this post.  We figured you might want to know, though.  :)  And it's good Wisdom this year, too.  I think he's getting (gasp!) mature or something.


  1. Wow, impressive.

    First, impressive that Jenna would continue the tradition, since she usually tried to avoid the situation when she lived in Iowa.

    Second, good job Joey!

    Stay warm.


  2. Be careful of that maturity thing. It can really get in the way. Good plus on the WOW Joey. You give us all a standard to live up to. Happy Birthday!

  3. Thanks for posting Joey's Word's of Wisdom! Simple, yet so true and humbling. When we really get to know other people, we find that we too, are just a product of God's abundant Grace! God has done a work of Grace in my life to make me what I am and His Grace doesn't just stop at me! Knowing that helps me to be less judgmental and also allows me to let that Grace overflow into the lives of others.
